Wednesday, October 7, 2009

2nd book report

Book Report Due Oct 13
Pick ONE of the following acticities:
1. Interview a character from your book. Write at least ten questions that will give the character the opportunity to discuss his/her thoughts and feelings about his/her role in the story. However you choose to present your interview is up to you.
2. Write a diary that one of the story's main characters might have kept before, during, or after the book's events. Remember that the character'sthoughts and feelings are very important in a diary. (you must have at least five entries)
3. Prepare an oral report of 5 minutes. Give a brief summary of the plotand describe the personality of one of the main characters. Be prepared for questions from the class.
4. Build a miniature stage setting of a scene in the book. Include a written explanation of the scene.
5. Make several sketches of some of the scenes in the book and label them.
6. Write a letter (10-sentence minimum) to the main character of your book asking questions, protesting a situation, and/or making a complaint and/or a suggestion. This must be done in the correct letter format.
7. Make a book jacket for the book or story.
8. Draw a comic strip of your favourite scene.
9. Use magazine photos to make a collage about the story
10. Make a mobile that describes the story.
Choose any activity that you would like. You must include the Title, Author and Illustrator somewhere on your project. You will be graded on creativity and accuracy. This means that I will have to be able to tell that you read the book.

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